Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010

Three weeks between posts. Not good. Hopefully, that will not be a normal interval.
I arrived at school today to learn my professor (for both classes) is out sick today. So here I am in the library, studying. Well, eating my lunch and blogging, then studying.

I finally had the chance to walk through the school bookstore. Ah, the smell of books! Found the blue books for exams. However, they are green. “You’ll need a blue book for the test.” “What do they look like?” “They’re green.” No chance for confusion there.

I’m carrying 21 credits. (One credit is for an all day seminar this Friday.) I have one professor for both Technology in the Law Office and Contracts and Negotiation. She is awesome. Keeps the class on track without being obnoxious. Has great real life stories. And, as I believe I said before, very clear on expectations.

My professor for Civil Procedures I is a different story. He seems rather annoyed that his students don’t come into class already knowing what we are there to learn. I’m not talking about being annoyed because we didn’t come to class caught up with assigned reading, either. We had an in-class assignment that required us to know things we won’t learn until next quarter, in Torts. It doesn’t help that he looks and sounds like Truman Capote. I would invest in a sense of humor if I had that working against me.

And then there is my Introduction to Law class. The sad thing is, I probably could have talked my way out of taking that class. But I wanted a full basic overview. Ha, ha. Too bad that’s not what I’m getting! Instead of focusing on what we’re supposed to be learning, we get lib ideology sermonizing. Last night, we were covering Article II of the U.S. Constitution. We got to hear all about how (in his opinion) the 2000 election was stolen. How Clinton didn’t hurt anybody, but Bush “lied” and got us into a “fake” war. How the electoral college should be done away with, because “those people in the middle” of the country are making decisions for all of us. If I want opinions from either end of the political spectrum, I’ll listen to talk radio or NPR. In Introduction to Law, I want to learn about the law. The other issue I have with his class is how the Constitution is treated. It seems he feels it is an outdated document and we are blessed with all the laws that have come since to make some sense of it. I honor the U.S. Constitution as the finest legal document in the history of mankind. The wisdom of the “rich white guys” who wrote it is astounding to me. To witness it be disparaged grieves me. Do I say anything in class about this? No. Why not? Because I’m a coward who cares about her grade. Do I wish my Dad could audit the class? You betcha! That would be a discourse worth observing. Anyway, the professor really is a nice guy. Very personable. We just have very different political views. I am sure he would be writhing if he had to sit and listen to me emote, too.

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