Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

So today is 02102010. Weird, huh?

Anyway, I started off on a good note and totally got smacked down. Of course, the individual had no way of knowing the effect their words would have on me, but it still sucked...

I've been busting my butt over midterms. Got my first test grade back: 97%! Woo-hoo! So excited. I EARNED that darn grade.

Then studying at school today a man I've never met before stopped to chat. That's ok in and of itself. People who are comfortable striking up conversations with strangers are usually pretty entertaining individuals. (Not always for the reasons they think, but entertaining nonetheless.) He was complaining about tuition going up next year. "If they'd stop paying for all the Welfare Hos to come to school, they wouldn't have to raise tuition." I can understand the frustration of someone paying out of pocket to attend every quarter. But it is hard enough on my pride to be here as a "Displaced Homemaker," let alone hear myself called (albeit unknowingly) a "Welfare Ho."

Did I call him out on it? No. Should I have chewed him out? You bet. But I was experiencing SHAME at that moment, rather than anger.

It is a common belief that everyone on welfare is out to bilk the system. And OF COURSE there are people who take advantage. But that is true in EVERY situation where advantage might be gained. Usually when I call someone on an "anti welfare mom" rant, I hear, "I wasn't talking about you. Your situation is different." But I am willing to bet that MOST situations are different.

I am grateful to be receiving the help that will get us back on our feet and self-sufficient again - hopefully for good. I am grateful that I don't fit whatever stereotype that man has about "Welfare Hos" as it obviously didn't occur to him that he was having a conversation with "one of them." But I have to wonder, how many other students wander these halls busting THEIR butts to gain/regain self-sufficiency -- and no one knows it because they too are ashamed.

Crap. Does that mean I have to become the poster child for "Welfare Hos" at my school? Man, I hope not! :)

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